Monday, February 20, 2012

To Serve

To Serve…

My job is to serve you, the traveling public. My job description is to get you from point A to point B safely, and as on time as possible.

At times pilots find ourselves extremely worn out when we are at work. A long day of flying, with weather, mechanical delays, de-icing, and a bunch of other issues that we deal with on any given day can wear any man, or woman, out.

I often catch myself walking from one gate to the other, completely blocking out all the passengers I walk by.

However, I always make a point when I get to the gate of the flight I’m operating to take a quick look around for any service men or woman. If there are any there, I always go and shake their hands and say thank you and spend a few minutes talking with them.

One thing that we should rally around as a country, republican, democrat, Christian, atheist, etc is our troops. You may not support the war, but you should always support our troops! It wasn’t their decision to go to war, but it was their decision to possibly give their lives to protect yours.

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