Monday, September 21, 2009

Calculated risks

The amazing thing about flying is that we usually survive! Sure, aviation is safe but there are always risks. Pilots know this and still fly. Why? Is it that we are just risk takers? Do we want to prove to ourselves that we are better then other pilots who have failed? Do we assume we are invincible(a Hazardous Attitude)?

I don't think that is what it is. Most pilots know of these risks, accept the risk, and manage the risks when they occur. Every flight has risks, there are times when the risk is higher though. Those include takeoff, landing, instrument flight, acrobatic flight, and many others.

The amazing thing to me is that some people take these risk without being properly prepared to handle them or just not caring about the risks. Lets look at two examples

UsAirways flight 1549: The aircraft took off into a clear blue sky. Piloted by a well trained crew(both pilots and flight attendants). After taking off and climbing up to only 3,000 some feet of altitude the aircraft flew through a flock of birds. The engines ingested the birds and both flamed out with no restart possible.

The crew immediately went with their training, one pilot flying(capt) and the other performing the checklists(first officer). Even without being able to restart the engines and knowing that they were going to have to ditch a 75 ton aircraft into a river the crew kept their calm. They successfully ditched the aircraft in a RIVER and all passengers survived. Appropriately termed the Miracle on the Hudson.

Pinnacle Airlines flight 3701

This one you might not have heard about. A crew was repositioning an empty CRJ-200. The CRJ has a service ceiling of 41,000'. The crew asked and attempted to get the aircraft up to the service ceiling. On the way up the aircraft was unable to continue climbing the way the crew had it set up and both engines flamed out.

The engines spooled down and because of the severe cold the fans actually expanded and froze stuck. There was no possible way to restart the engines, even after descending into warmer air.

The aircraft eventually crashed killing both pilots.

Risks are part of flying. Know the risks. Be prepared for something to happen, it most likely will! Know how to execute the proper procedures when they do. I'm not saying take risks, because a safe pilot won't take unnecessary risks. Be a smart, prudent pilot, this will keep you and your passengers alive!

Right Seat Pilot.

Here is a link to a general aviation crew managing an emergency. On the way to sun n fun in Florida they had an engine fail at a low altitude. Following the checklists they got the engine restarted and then had it fail again. They made a safe landing on an available road, and managed to pull off into a parking lot!

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