Monday, January 25, 2010

Part 1 - Know What You Want

Should be an easy question shouldn't it. You want to be a pilot, you want to free your feet, surf the sky, hang with the angels. Or is there more behind your decision to become a private pilot? Are you doing it to get a job, to take your family on vacations, business, or some other reason?

Let's take a look at some of the reasons people become pilots.

Are you getting your license for the pure joy of flying? Awesome! More power to you! This is a great reason to begin flying, maybe it's something you've always wanted to do. From your first flight you will have an overwhelming sense of excitement. Be careful though, you are still susceptible to the pitfalls of training.

Maybe your getting your license for business. Again another great reason to get your license. You will quickly realize the benefits of flying to expand your business or meet customers face to face instead of through the phone or emails. You will also realize that it is another expense for your business and you better be ready to make a commitment to your companies "aviation department".

Maybe you just like to travel and want to experience places that are just a little to far to drive too. If you've done any searching about aviation then you obviously know about the $100 hamburger. You know, when you jump in a plane, fly somewhere new, grab lunch and fly home. This could be great way to take the wife(or significant other) and kids new places for the weekend!

Maybe you've accomplished a lot in your life and are looking for the next step. Maybe you want to be recognized as a pilot! That's awesome! People look up to pilots, those who can jump in a small aircraft and take control of their lives and others. BE CAREFUL with this one. If this is the reason you might be falling into a big trap of just trying to get your license so you can be recognized as a pilot.

Whatever your reasons are you need to understand what you want to get out of your newly minted private pilot certificate. If you know what you want then the next steps, and your training will go a lot smoother and you will not have as many pitfalls. Being a pilot is a great privilege and demands that you are diving head first into it! Step one.....complete!


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