Monday, January 4, 2010

New Ideas for a New Year

With the new year here and everyone making plans and promises we should find new ways to keep the fire burning for our desire to fly. Here are some ideas for keeping that fire burning, if you have any feel free to post them.

Add a new rating or endorsement: This is a great way to keep you in the airplane. Not only are there certain requirements you need to meet but it also increases your knowledge and ability. If your a private pilot consider adding your instrument. If your a commercial pilot look at adding a CFI, nothing will improve your knowledge more than teaching someone to fly.

Fly a new aircraft: Along the same lines of adding a new rating. Get signed off in a new aircraft, perhaps a high performance or complex airplane. Or just meet new people at your local airport and try to arrange rides in their aircraft.

Go somewhere new: All of our dreams about flying started with being able to go places. Now's the chance to try. Fly somewhere for the weekend, fly to a golf course that's just to far off to drive. Take your wife or family to dinner in a different city at a new restaurant.

Take someone flying: There is no greater joy than taking someone up for the first time. Offer to take up a neighbor, or a best buddies kids. The look of enjoyment on their face will remind you why you first wanted to fly.

There are a lot of good reasons to fly and as time passes we tend to forget about them. Flying should be fun and not just a chore or something you do. Enjoy yourselves, bring joy to others with the gift of flight, and have a safe year.


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